This week roka was travelling to Nürtingen, a small city in the south of Germany. We had an interview there with someone named Beat and right now, we know that you ask yourself, Beat like Beat Feuz, the famous Swiss skier ?
First, the answer is yes indeed and we had the honor to interviewed someone named Beat. But actually, as you have already guessed, it wasn’t Beat Feuz. His last name is Bäumgartner and he is the owner and the manager of Hagebau OTT in Nürtingen.This is a big company that sells garage, terrace and a lot more. Beat was very funny, kind and friendly with us.
How much time did it take to shoot An interview ?
Basically, we took approximately two hours to prepare the interview (setting the cameras, the lights and the mic). After that, Beat came to the interview’s room and we asked him some questions for one hour. After that we made a tour of the company with him and we visited the manufactory, the office and the main shop. Finally, we had to shoot some B-Roll and it was very beautiful. As a result we will soon show you the final vide but you just have to wait a bit 😉
What's coming next ?
So we have done our 2 on our 5 interviews yet and we are happy to tell you that it went pretty well. In a couple of weeks we will be travelling to Düsseldorf to shoot another interview. This is the reason why, next time, we will be with Orthogen. But we hope that we won’t miss the train because every time we travel, we have some issues taking the right train even though we are Swiss.
After this travel, we will be going to Oldenburg in the north of Germany too because we have another interview. And if you remember correctly we were in the Trier last week and did Joachim’s interview.
See you soon for some more adventures,
The roka team
Also, if you want to check our Instagram account or our latest project with Bolt down bellow.